How Can We Help Our Body Fight Off Covid?

Last year, our operations director, Sophie Gibbin @thatgutfeeling_ shared her top tips for supporting your body in fighting this virus. This advice is as relevant as ever.

1. Support your immune system⁠
Key supplements for boosting the immune system & for Covid recovery include Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin D3 & K2, Chlorella, Ashwagandha, and Echinacea. Up your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables for their antioxidant properties. Choose light liquid meals to keep the body hydrated, support circulation & decongestion, and also focus your digestive tract on healing the body rather than processing and digesting heavy meals. Eat immune-boosting soups using dark leafy greens, bone broth, turmeric & pepper. If you're not hungry drink smoothies containing the above herbs with spinach, kale, avocado as these are rich in magnesium & help relax the body whilst keeping up your strength to fight the virus.⁠

Here is a bit more on Sophie’s favorite supplements:

PROBIOTICS: over 70% of our immune system is found in our digestive system, in the Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue found in the walls of our GIT. Keep your friendly bacteria in check with probiotic, fermented foods & prebiotic fibers, eg. alliums/oats/asparagus.⁠

Sophie likes @optibac products as they don’t cost the earth & have proven to survive the acidic stomach PH to reach the gut alive. You can get 15% off online Optibac purchases using code: SophieGibbin⁠

VITAMIN C: increases WBC production & functionality, supports epithelial barrier against harmful microbes & protects against oxidative stress.⁠

ZINC: increases activation of immune cells & enzymes responsible for breaking down proteins in viruses & harmful bacteria, reducing their ability to spread.⁠

FIRE CIDRE: a punchy tonic made from pungent herbs revered for supporting the immune & lymphatic systems, circulation, digestion & detoxification. Taken in a little hot water, it dissipates phlegm & acts as an expectorant. My favorite is from @willysacv!⁠

GOLDENSEAL: a native north-american herb containing anti-inflammatory & antioxidant berberine. Supports IgM immune response & is used for bacterial, viral & fungal infections.⁠

ASTRAGALUS: a TCM tonic used to tonify the lungs (responsible for our Wei Qi/Immunity) & digestive system. Increases B-cell & antibody production & protects the body against harmful toxins.⁠

ECHINACEA: stimulates a group of WBCs known as macrophages which kill microbes by engulfing & digesting them. Antiviral/antibacterial/antifungal/anti-inflammatory/antioxidant/anti-carcinogenic!⁠

VITAMIN D & K2: Vit D enhances the pathogen-fighting effects of monocytes & macrophages & decreases inflammation. Take with K2 to increase absorption.⁠

HONEY: reduces inflammation & oxidative stress, activates T & B cells & soothes sore throats.⁠

2. Cleansing & detoxification⁠
Support liver health-the main organ responsible for detoxifying the body-with a warm castor oil pack using & a hot water bottle. Take daily salt baths with Epsom & Himalayan salt to relax achy muscles & stimulate the body’s detoxification pathways. If you're not suffering from cutaneous hyperesthesia, try light dry brushing to promote circulation & stimulate the lymphatic system. Support chest decongestion by steaming your face & chest with pungent onions & garlic, or fresh lemon & lavender essential oil,& inhale.⁠

3. Stay Hydrated⁠
Drinking enough water is essential for circulation & excreting toxins. Drink hot herbal drinks such as lemon, honey and grated ginger, or fresh thyme to help boost immunity, dissipate phlegm & relieve sore throats.⁠

4. Keep Calm⁠
Keeping your body in its parasympathetic state is key to fighting the virus & healing quicker. Focus on breathing from your hara, listen to some relaxing music, binaural beats, or a healing mantra (@deviprayer on Youtube). Use essential oils & drink herbal teas such as @pukka relax, chamomile, lavender. Rub arnica oil on achy muscles. Get fresh air - wrap up warm & leave the windows open. Sleep!

Patrica Lopez