A Simple & Pleasant Liver Flush

a gentle way to cleanse

A liver flush stimulates bile, brings blood impurities to the liver to be excreted, and has laxative effects. There are many varieties of liver flushes, some of which include pungent cayenne or ginger.

The safest and mildest of these recipes uses only extra virgin olive oil, unfiltered (cloudy) apple juice, and lemon (all ideally organic, if available).

  1. Add up to one tablespoon of olive oil to one glass of apple juice.

  2. Add a little lemon juice.

  3. Drink once daily.

In our Holistic Health Coach certificate course, we teach a comprehensive 14-day food-based to cleanse that involves baths and skin brushing, lymphatic drainage, supplements, journaling and meditation, and mindful breathing, exercise, and mealtimes. Most importantly, it’s adapted to an individual’s constitution and conditions (especially essential if depletion is present)

Patrica Lopez