Ginger Compress

Applying ginger to the skin is recommended by some other health advisors to ease certain chronic pains in the back or abdomen, assist in drug detox treatments, and gradually improve infertility.

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Andrea Lomanto
A New Moon Ritual to Clarify Intentions

Moon rituals have been practiced throughout the world for millennia. This celestial body has long been revered for its power to control the tides of the oceans and those within our own bodies, to influence our emotional self and our access to our inner knowing.

A New Moon ritual is a tool that can help you identify the intentions you want to set and manifest as the moon waxes toward fullness.

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Andrea Lomanto
Barefoot Homecare

Roger Green’s enjoyable “barefoot doctor” class at Academy of Healing Nutrition offers simple ways to keep you and family sane, healthy and safe from stress and germs.

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Letha Hadady